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Python CSV file reading not working

To represent a CSV file, it must be saved with the .csv file extension. In the new Delimiters dialog box interface, readers will uncheck the Tab option and check the Comma option . This will set up in Excel with the case of comma separated files that will separate the...


Notepad++ was a small text editor that was simple, but had a lot of features that the standard Windows notepad did not have. I have not used all of the features that Notepadd++ has, but the features and functions that I have used have been flawless. The app has more...

Enable or Disable Dark Mode in Notepad on Windows

You can also choose other contrast colors for additional features like Hyperlinks, Text, Disabled Text, Background, etc. The only thing I changed was the Global Font Size, which I set for my reading comfort to 14. One Dark is a popular theme that is perfect for those...